PMP Study Tips – Rohit Prabhakar

Tips from Rohit Prabhakar, PMP, on how he studied for the PMP exam in just 10 days.

Lessons Learnt:

  • 12 hrs of no-study and good rest before the exam is highly important.
  • Positive thinking is must.. All these days I was saying to myself that I am getting it done ( I have read all the LL and everyone suggested 2-4 months of disciplined preparation. I knew I was not going that route and I was going to pass. I have been practicing Project Management for such a long and I was confident I could do it in 10 days)
  • Forget about what you do or have done in Project Management in your job. Think the PMI way only. Majority of the processes that we follow in our jobs are not what PMI teaches. Remember PMI teaches the best project management principles as per their standards and not yours.
  • Memorize process chart
  • Memorize ITTO (at least Risk, Quality and procurement)
  • Memorize formulas
  • Read and understand the “Professional Conduct and Ethics” chapter.
  • Take breaks to cool off your brain during the exam. (Take some energy drinks. I took 1 at the start and 1 in the break)
  • Don’t spend more than 60 seconds on every question. If very long/confusing/unknown mark it for review and come later BUT choose one of the options that seems to be close to right (so that if u have no time to review at least you have 25% probability of getting it right. 25% is better than 0%)
  • Take the ear plugs given by the center and plug your ears.
  • Used PMBOK for reference only in case of confusion (I only and only read the material provided by PMStudy)
  • Hang loose and take the test…the worst that can happen is you can fail but u can reappear too (in my case I had a money back guarantee ;o)

    My humble opinion about the test: “Questions were very easy but options for answer were extremely confusing! If you don’t know the processes for sure you cannot guess the right one.” – Rohit Prabhakar, PMP

Thanks Rohit for sharing your experience. Some really good points to help you prepare for the exam… though I don’t advocate trying the exam out in just 10 days…

Vinai, PMP

P.S. – You can post your own lessons learnt or study tips at the PMP Forum for the benefit of other PMP aspirants, and earn some good Karma…

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4 thoughts on “PMP Study Tips – Rohit Prabhakar”

  1. Rohit,

    You mentioned the material PMStudy provided you was very helpful. I see several different options on the PMStudy website (material for PMStudy EDU and PMStudy Plus seem applicable).

    Can you let me know which course from PM Study helped you the most?

    Thank you.


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